Kahani: FLASH DRIVE ka Flash

Last Tuesday, I woke up in the early hours with a big question in mind - WHERE IS MY FLASH DRIVE.?
This flash drive was given to me by my previous company as part of 'On boarding' session.
On Sunday (2 days earlier) I had been to a cyber cafe (since there is no internet connection in my home) and I happened to use my flash drive while I was surfing.
I returned home after surfing web for more than 2 hrs and I happily forgot about the flash drive.
And now after 3 days, I woke up with this question "where is my pen drive?" @ 5.30 in the morning...
I tried searching at home, since there was no power I couldn't find it anywhere....
And I sat there analyzing the whole episode, with a bunch of questions, more like a movie recap, while sleeping.

1. On which machine I was working? And what was the time?
2. How many people would have used the same machine for the next 2 days?
3. How many people used the USB port?
4. If anyone opened the drive, how about the documents and snaps it had?
5. What about the confidential docs?
6. What will happen if I lose that? Whom should I ask?
7. Tried to recall, whether I safely removed the drive from CPU........ Hmm didn't get a single clue about what happened on that day.

Since I had not much of an option, I waited for the power to come back and then searched the whole room; luckily I found the drive near Bhagavad Gita.
I was relaxed and I was really happy.

But the question was, why I got this question in the early hours of my day, that made me woke up? What makes me to think like this? Am I alert? Do I over care for my things? Or over cautious about my belongings? Why is my subconscious mind working so much on this?
Sometimes I do have a questions like

1. Did I brush today?
2. Did I lock the bathroom when I took my bath?
3. Whether the front door is locked or not

Am quite skeptical......why am I like this?
Why can’t I live like others - cool and calm, without hassles.... ??


ushasarathi said…
Main aisa kyun hu, main aisa kyun hu anta song haadi.. It will suites you.. LOl :)
Nuthan said…
Sir.. looks like U r getting urself ready for the marriage..
U got to be over-cautious once U get married.. and looking at this blog..things look promising ; )

Just kidding : ).. don't worry this is all quite normal.. sub-conscious is always running behind things that we ignore in our routine(while we are wide awake) life..
Raji said…
Don't think "why i am like this".. off-course every one do the same...
Pallavi B said…
Well :) I also feel the same, when I dont find my things in place... Its coz of the attachment u have towards them - rather the value u have for them!

N the questions - its coz... of over cautiousness :)
More the concern - more the questions...
basically, such questions arise, when u feel unsecured...

ex: when u plan for a stay in a Hotel - n U happen to go for an evening stroll... n u suddenly encounter a thought.. have I locked the room properly, What If something gets lost...

So on.. :)

Nice writing Chennai Chethan

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