Hangover ka Hangover

My cheeks hurt, my stomach is paining, seriously, they are hurting me from laughing so hard through out "The Hangover"

This movie is a blend of comedy, sense of humor, nudity, craziness, sex and everything. Great story, nice acting, and very big laughs. What more any one can expect from a comedy movie? This is not a family film by any means.

Its a story of 4 guys, who wants to freak out before Doug's marriage.Two days before his wedding, Doug and his three buddies drive to Vegas for a blow-out night they'll never forget. But when everyone wake up the next morning with pounding headaches(off course hangover...), they can't remember a thing. Their posh hotel suite is beyond trashed and the groom is nowhere to be found. With no clue of what happened and little time to spare, the trio must attempt to retrace their bad decisions from the night before in order to figure out where things went wrong and hopefully get Doug back to L.A. in time for his wedding. However, the more they begin to uncover, the more they realize just how much trouble they're really in.

Mike Tyson's cat (as he call his tiger..), missing tooth and ring, a Chinese guy, the damaged car, missing groom, messed up hotel suite add value to the story. The narration is the plus point of the whole movie.

If you really like comedy movies, never miss this movie as its a must watch.


Nuthan said…
Nice blog Kiru.. a provoking 'gist' of 'Hangover' .. I will watch it over the weekend(with some nice crisps as a add-on ;-) ..
Pallavi B said…
Good one chethan! Yes I agree.. "Great story, nice acting, and very big laughs"...

BTW good theme!
Raji said…
Yeah Chethan... Its really a Superb movie... The best part is Doctor's reaction, Mr. Bar Girl's suprize after the hangover.. last but not the least... 3 guys hungama @ Mike tyson's house :D :D :D lol
Unknown said…
Nothing written about Hot drinks,huh something fishy..,story looks incomplete...there's somethng chethan is hiding..hope we will expect in next story

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