ಚೇತನ್ ಭಗತನ - ಎರಡು ರಾಜ್ಯಗಳು

Finished reading the book "2 states" by Chetan Bhagat few days back, This definitely makes for a weekend reading and is a good entertainer. Typical of Chetan's style, the language used is very simple and the fun quotient is very high. It shows the North-South divide in our country in a very funny but natural way.

Its a love story of a Punjabi guy Krish, and a Tamil Brahmin girl Ananya. Marriage of paranthas and idlis, paneer and coconut. Chetan, in his own style, dedicates this book to his in-laws. In the disclaimer, he says, though the book is inspired by his own family and experiences, he requests the book must be seen as a work of fiction.

Initally the story moves at a brisk pace: By page 7 they’ve met at IIM Ahmedabad, where they both study, by page 15 he’s controlling his urge to fall for her, by page 25 they’ve kissed and one page later they’ve had sex. Their entire IIM career is done in about 36 pages. Needless to say, it involves sex, sleepovers, studies and a self-satisfied, solitary existence.

But the story kicks-off when things turn sour at thaeir convocation ceremony. Their parents meet for the first time and evidently disapprove of a relationship where boy and girl are from polar ends of the country. The rest is about how they try to win back the blessing of their in-laws after a series of futile attempts. The story oscillates between Delhi and Chennai, so expect a lot of local jargon from these two states. Like all love stories, this one, too, has a happy ending.

I am not a great fan of Chetan’s books. I enjoy reading his books as they are very easy to read. Yes, I do admire what he has achieved: success, fame, and of course money, with his books. I like his diction and his subtle observations and the way he weaves them in to the stories. I think, the best from him is yet to come. For me, the best till now is no doubt his first book, Five point someone.

To end, I am sure this book is going to be made into a movie. Unlike his previous books being made into bollywood films, this story best suits for south-indian movies. Chetan, any of the kollywood/tollywood producers already approached you? :)


Nuthan said…
Good one Kiru.. nice gist of the entire story.. and I agree with ur prediction that it wud become the next bollywood venture :) .. am really excited and eager to read the novel..
Raji said…
Pakka move style...
Few ppl made movies based on novels... this is something unique and different.. it just sounds like a movie story, but its a book :P

But CB mentioned in the book... that this story is very near to his real life... (CB and Anusha really looks so cool) :)

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